October 16th, 2018

5 Things to Do When Moving

You’ve finally purchased your new home and it’s time to move in! Although you are excited, the move in process can be quite overwhelming. The following checklist can help keep things organized and simple, making your move less stressful and more enjoyable.

Pack Logically and Systematically

Packing for a move is enough of a deterrent to not want to move at all, no matter how beautiful the finish line will be! Allow yourself adequate time based off how many rooms your current home has and set a reasonable timeline to accomplish each room. Quality boxes with thorough labeling will be important as well, whether you are moving yourself or hiring professional movers for the job. Think beyond “Fragile” and “Kitchen,” in addition to these key labels, you are going to want to know the gist of what is what without x-ray vision. Your must haves for the first night or two should be set aside in a suitcase or an overnight bag. Items such as your pjs, toiletries, a couple days worth of clothing and prescriptions should be readily available to you. Make sure to pack a box, label it “First Night Essentials” and fill with it trash bags, hand soap, paper towels, paper plates, and toilet paper, you will be thankful for the little things when working on getting settled in.

Turn on Your Utilities

Be sure to notify each of the companies that provide your natural gas, electric and water of your new address and the date of your move in. Additionally, if you currently have a security service provider, be sure and update them of your new home address and ensure a date to have the service installed at your new home. You also will want to put in a request for service or a transfer of service with your trash, cable and internet providers, given they service the location of your new home.

Get Familiar

Locate the electric panel, also referred to as the breaker panel and the water shutoff valve. These are two things you want to know the location of and how to operate before you ever need to do so! Familiarize yourself with the whereabouts of the local grocer, pharmacy, hospital, gas station, bank and schools…if even just for those potentially pricey school zones.

Change the Locks

Safety first! Whether it be new to you or a new build, you never know how many people have access to your new home. Change your locks so you can ensure you are the only person who has access and can confidently move forward with who will have a key. To get this done, you can call a locksmith or simply install new deadbolts yourself. Also, prepare a backup plan such as making and hiding a spare key in case you ever find yourself accidentally locked out of your home.

Create a Working Room or Space

Without a doubt, your home will feel chaotic for a period of time during the transition and settling into the new layout of your home. Having important documents, papers and IDs set aside in a large ziplock bag, file folder or small organizational box, will keep peace in one compartment of your mind. Take into consideration yourself, your children, pets and anyone else who will be residing in the home. Also, throw a notebook in the space or temporary function hub to allow a list to form of must-haves, wants and to-do lists. The idea is simple organization tools for the not so simple and daunting task of moving.